A warm welcome to our new Education Liaison and Young Carers Support Worker

A warm welcome to our new Education Liaison and Young Carers Support Worker, Jessica. .

Please welcome the latest Young Carers team member Jess. Jess started last week and is learning the ropes on assessment, support, and respite. Over time she will lead on schools liaison and rebuild our strategic level engagement with schools, through initiatives such as staff training and school assemblies.

We caught up Jess and here’s what she had to say: “​Hello, I’m Jess, my role is Education Liaison and Young Carers Support Worker. I began working at Wigan and Leigh Carers in December 2023.

My previous role was a team leader in a Children’s Home. I have worked in Children’s Homes for 10 years after graduating from University where I studied my Bachelors Degree; Community and Social Care at UCLAN.

I am looking forward to meeting all the families and providing support for young carers in our local community.”

Congratulations and welcome to the team!