Carers – Respite Consultation Survey (online submission)

Share Your Views 23 September 2022

Following on from the in-person consultation events, Wigan Council invite any carers to complete this online consultation / survey.

The purpose of this survey is to continue to gain a better understanding of what respites means to families and carers, what is working and what has not been working, as well as changes they need to consider, as they look to design a new and improved service in Wigan/Leigh. All feedback they receive will help to shape an effective and innovative service offer, which ensures that families and carers have confidence to use respite services and make sure people are cared for in the best possibly way.

To complete, you can either scan the QR code or follow this link –

Deadline for submitting completed forms is Friday 14th October 2022 at 2pm.

Please share to ensure more people have a say to shape services delivered in this local area.