Free £10 voucher for the first 20 people…

Events,Latest News 17 November 2014

Back in May this year a group of young people, parents and professionals got together to help Children & Young people’s mental health services to start to look at what needs to change, and develop a mental health service that they would prefer to see.


To do this the groups developed  3 questionnaires which were rolled out to other young people, parents and professionals.


Since March we have been busy getting people on board by completing the questionnaires that will help shape services into something more helpful.


We would now like to present the results at our next participation day in December. We would like to invite young people, professionals, and parents & carers.


We would like you to help us by attending our next ‘Participation Day’ on Monday 22nd December 2014 11am—3pm at Ince Community Centre (where the last meeting was).  A free Xmas buffet will be provided, as well as a £10 voucher on the day for the first 20 young people that register and attend.  You do not need to have used a service to attend. We welcome anyone from the Wigan, Ashton & Leigh area.


Please share this information amongst your friends, parents & carers.


We look forwards to seeing you there!!


To attend please register by emailing with your name, organisation and a phone number or call Chris Rudyard 01942 867888 ext 251