Join Priority Services Registers for Peace of Mind

Carers,Latest News 15 November 2022

You can sign up to a Priority Services Register (PSR) to receive extra help from your energy or water company. It’s free to sign up.

Thousands of carers rely on electricity to run life-saving equipment, including ventilators, wheelchairs, hoists, stairlifts, as well as specially adapted electric beds and toilets. If you look after someone who relies on medical electrical equipment or has a high level of water use, we recommend if you have not already done so, to join the Priority Service Register so that you will get priority support in an emergency.

You can contact your energy supplier directly to join their register or contact local electricity network operator, National Grid. Water companies also hold a Priority Service Register and other support services for those classed as being vulnerable customers.  You can also find out more here:

You do not need to show proof of your condition, age or situation.

You’re eligible if you:

have reached your State Pension age
are disabled or have a long-term medical condition
are recovering from an injury
have a hearing or sight condition
have a mental health condition
are pregnant or have children under 5
have extra communication needs, such as if you do not speak or read English well
You might still be able to register for other reasons if your situation is not listed. For example, if you need short-term support after a stay in hospital.

Being on the register gives you access to:

information in an accessible format
notice of planned power cuts or water supply issues
identification schemes where company staff give you a password so you know it’s a genuine call
nominee schemes where they send your bills to a family member or carer of your choice
priority support in an emergency
help with meter readings
If you have different companies for water, electricity and gas, you will need to sign up with each. You can register for all or some of the services.

If you look after someone it’s wise to have plans in place should something unexpectedly happen to you and you are not able to be there for the person you care for. Make a note of key names and numbers of those who would need to be contacted and provide them with information that you have already compiled about the needs of the person you provide care for.

Such as:
Their name and age
Their health/personal care needs
Dietary requirements
Communication needs
Level of mobility etc

Please don’t hesitate to contact us, if you require any further help or advice, call 01942 697885.