Meet our amazing Volunteer Josephine Tingle

Volunteers 30 August 2023

Volunteers like Josephine genuinely change and make the work a better place. Today we caught up with Josephine to find out why she loves volunteering at WLCC:

“Hello, my name is Josephine Tingle, I am a Form Filling Volunteer and have been volunteering in this role for nearly 18 months. My role involves supporting people to complete benefits forms.

A lot of the forms are quite complicated and can often be too difficult or daunting for the carer to complete independently. As a carer myself, I appreciate that completing these forms can be both time consuming and frustrating and take me away from my caring responsibilities. My volunteer role takes this pressure off the carer and enables them to access the right information and what they are entitled to.

As well as my responsibility as a carer, I now have a focus and purpose in supporting others who are experiencing similar difficulties or issues.”

We are forever grateful Josephine, thank you for sharing your story.

If you are interested in volunteering with WLCC, please get in touch, we would love to hear from you, call 01942 697885.