The Really Useful Book of Learning & Earning for Young Adult Carers

Who is this book for?

This book is for young adult carers aged 16–25 in England. We wrote it because there is not much information for carers aged 16–25. This is an age where people often start to become more independent, and have decisions to make about working, learning and living. To find out more about who is a young adult carer, and to find out if you are a carer, go to page 8.

How could it help me?

Carers spend a lot of time looking after and thinking about other people. This book should help you look after yourself and
spend time thinking about your own needs and your plans for the future. It gives information, advice and activities to help you
when moving into adulthood. It gives information about taking up learning or paid work, your rights, and what support you can
get. It aims to help you look after your health and well-being, recognise the skills you have and think positively about the future.