Wigan and Leigh Young Carers at the National Young Carers Festival

YC Festival flyer

24-26 June 2016
Venue – YMCA Fairthorne Manor, Hampshire.
For young carers aged 11 – 16 years

Details for Parents/guardians –
The Young Carers Festival (YCF) is an exclusive event for young people who have a caring responsibility at home. Run in partnership with The Children’s Society, YCF was created in 2000 to give young carers the chance to have fun away from their caring role, relax, socialise, raise awareness and allow young carers to share experiences with others in a similar situation. Check out their website for more info – http://www.ymca-fg.org/for-young-people/fairthorne-manor/young-carers-festival/
Since the first Young Carers Festival in 2000 when 600 young carers arrived at YMCA Fairthorne Manor (Southampton), the festival has grown, with up to 1800 young carers now attending every year. The trip will be supported by staff and experienced volunteers and will include travel, accommodation (camping) and food for the weekend.
More detailed information including a kit list will be provided closer to the time.
As the first day of the events falls on a school day Wigan & Leigh Young Carers will also be in touch with High Schools to request students take an authorised day of leave.
Due to expense of the trip we are asking for a £20 contribution per person.
Spaces are limited so if your child would like to attend please contact us as soon as possible to confirm.
Kindest regards,
Nicola Wood
Young Carers Support Worker 07702 679 068